D2S has been providing data management and statistical analysis services in clinical trials with professional specialty.
We have a systematic process such as company regulations and SOPs, and provide safety and trust to customers.
We believe that thorough data management and complete statistical analysis can lead clinical trials to success, and we promise to do our best to realize it.
2025.01 고용노동부/중소벤처기업부 청년일자리 강소기업 선정 | Certified as a youth-employment Small Giant company by Ministry of Employment and Labor and Ministry of SMEs and Startups
2024.01 문화체육관광부 여가친화인증기업 인증 | Certificate of Leisure-Friendly corporations
2024.01 고용노동부 청년친화강소기업 선정 | Certified as a youth-friendly Small Giant company by Ministry of Employment and Labor
2024.04 ISO 9001 품질경영시스템 인증 | Certificate of ISO 9001 Quality Management System
2024.04 ISO 37001 부패방지경영시스템 인증 | Certificate of ISO 37001 Anti-bribery management system
2024.05 고용노동부 강소기업 선정 | Certified as a Small Giant company by Ministry of Employment and Labor
2024.05 연성대학교 산학협력 협약 | Yeonsung University Industry-Academic Cooperation Agreement
2024.10 서울시 워라밸 포인트 기업 | Seoul Worabal point company
2024.12 여성가족부 가족친화인증기업 | Certificate of family-friendly corporations
2024.12 한국소아암재단 후원 | Donation to KOREA PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION
2023.02 QA팀 신설 | Established the QA Team
2023.05 고용노동부 강소기업 선정 | Certified as a Small Giant company by Ministry of Employment and Labor
2023.08 D2S 사무실 이전 | Moved a Office of D2S
2023.11 서울시 서울형 강소기업 인증 | Certificate of Seoul Small Giant company by Seoul City
2023.12 세브란스병원 기부 | Donation to Severance hospital
2023.12 한국소아암재단 후원 | Donation to KOREA PEDIATRIC CANCER FOUNDATION
2023.12 국가임상시험지원재단 강소형 CRO 평가 인증 | Certificate of Small Giant CRO Assessment
2022.01 MW팀 신설 | Established the MW Team
2022.03 D2S 미션 및 비전 수립 | Established the D2S Mission and Vision
2022.06 직원 건강검진 지원 | Started providing medical checkups to employees
2022.12 중소벤처기업부 성과공유기업 인증 | Certified as a Benefit-sharing corporation by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
2022.12 세브란스병원 기부 | Donation to Severance hospital
2021.07 100번째 프로젝트 계약 | Contracted 100th Projects
2021.12 여성가족부 가족친화인증기업 선정 | Certificate of family-friendly corporations
2019.09 CHUBB 생명과학 책임보험 가입 | Subscribed to Life Science Liability Insurance, CHUBB
2019.10 50번째 프로젝트 계약 | Contracted 50th Projects
2018.01 D2S 기업부설연구소 설립, 한국산업기술진흥협회 인증 | Established D2S Reserch Institute, certified by Korea Industry Technology Association
2018.05 중소벤처기업부 벤처기업 인증 취득 | Certified as a venture enterprise by Ministry of SMEs and Startups
2018.07 청년 내일채움공제 가입
2018.07 한국관광공사 근로자 휴가지원 사업 참여 | Joined government's Vacation Fund for Workers, Korea Tourism Organization
2017.04 D2S 설립 | Established D2S
2017.04 첫 프로젝트 개시 | Started 1st project
2017.05 SOPs 확립 | Prepared SOPs
2017.09 KoNECT CRO 컨설팅(System audit) 수료 | Completed KoNECT CRO consulting (System audit)
2017.11 Visual Monitoring System 특허 출원 | Applied for a patent for Visual Monitoring System